A CRM allows you to collect cheap opportunities and requests from multiple sources (email, web form, telephone) and manage the entire process. It is also possible to create marketing campaigns to be proactive towards customers.
Marketing Campaigns
Vtiger supports marketing processes, in a section specifically dedicated to campaign management.
Once the characteristics of the campaign (costs, targets, times) have been defined, the system allows you to calculate the ROI of the campaign based on the increase in requests for offers and orders received in relation to it.
Mail Marketing
An integral part of the Campaigns module is the ability to send mass emails to predefined lists.
It is possible to prepare e-mail messages, including brochures or invitations to events and fairs, to be sent massively to any subset of your leads and / or customers, or to integrate the system with specific products for Marketing and Social.
Mail Scanner
The Mail Scanner module allows you to automatically intercept mail destined for specific addresses and / or with certain characteristics.
The intercepted emails will automatically have the effect of creating new records (eg leads) or will be attached to elements already present.
Web forms
The Webforms module allows you to build forms for data collection and expressions of interest, to be included on your site.
The data entered for example in the Contact form of your site will be automatically loaded into the system as Lead or New Contact.