Who we are
Vtiger CRM Team
Our company believe particularly in human relationship with and between collaborators. Thanks to them We have been able to grew and improve during the years. Workers are first of all people, this concept is very important for us, through it we have a peaceful and pleasant work environment. We pay attention to professional growth and we try to train new resources able to offer us an important contribution, and to the teamwork that is the basis of our successful projects.
Our organization has a team dedicated to the CRM area and the open source solution Vtiger

Mauro Lenzi
Company Manager
Entrepreneur, business angel and, above all, passionate about technology and all the new frontiers of IT. I started getting interested in software when I was 15, writing programs for the first Texas Instruments pocket calculators and the first Olivetti personal computers; more than 40 years have passed since then, and I still haven't stopped.
Chiara Gandolfi
Senior Software Developer
Always a lover of mathematics and information technology, I graduated with honors in computer engineering at the University of Bologna in 2013 and the following year I won the Bellisario award for my excellent academic curriculum. I independently manage projects for clients in various sectors, from finance to manufacturing.

Fabio Galli
Software Developer
After a long experience in the electronics sector I am passionate about the world of information technology. At the beginning, as an autodidact, I deepen my knowledge of web design and then, through the attendance of specialized courses, the all-round development. In my spare time I play modern guitar and I am interested in storytelling in its many forms: cinema, novels and short stories.
Raffaele Cassanelli
Software Developer - Assistenza Tecnica
The youngest of the team, with a strong motivation and passion for this job, my job is to translate the customer's needs into code! In my spare time I dedicate myself to cooking and travel as soon as possible in search of new cultures and new customs.